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MaxTread Powerline

Showing of 7 Products
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BDV Retread Tires

Designed specifically for urban fleets that require long tread wear, strong wet braking traction, and solid shoulders to withstand punishing corners and curbs.

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bd 30 all-position-all s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s260 s270 s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s260 s270 s245-75r22-5 s255-80r22-5 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s10r22-5 s235-80r22-5 s295-80r22-5 s245-70r19-5 s265-70r19-5 s255-70r22-5 s11r22-5 s275-80r24-5 s11-00r20 s285-75r24-5 s11r24-5 s10-00r22 s12r22-5 s295-60r22-5 s285-80r24-5 s11-00r24 s10-00r20 s295-75r22-5 s275-70r22-5 s11-00r22 s285-70r19-5 s12r24-5 s275-80r22-5 s305-85r22-5 s12-00r20 s12-00r24 s13r22-5 s305-75r24-5 s13-80r20 s13-00r20 s305-70r22-5 s14-00r20 s315-80r22-5 s14-80r20
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TR 4.1 Retread Tire

All-Around Performer for Trailer Applications

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bd 30 trailer-tr s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s10-00r15 s11r17-5 s225-70r19-5 s10r22-5 s245-75r22-5 s255-80r22-5 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s235-75r17-5 s235-80r22-5 s245-70r19-5 s255-70r22-5 s295-80r22-5 s10-00r20 s10-00r22 s11-00r20 s11-00r24 s11r22-5 s11r24-5 s12r22-5 s265-70r19-5 s11-00r22 s12r24-5 s275-70r22-5 s275-80r22-5 s275-80r24-5 s285-70r19-5 s285-75r24-5 s295-75r22-5 s12-00r20 s12-00r24 s13r22-5 s315-80r22-5
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DR 4.3™  Retread Tire

Open-Shoulder Drive Tread With Solid All-Around Wear and Performance

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bd 30 drive-dr s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s10r22-5 s245-75r22-5 s255-80r22-5 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s235-80r22-5 s245-70r19-5 s255-70r22-5 s295-80r22-5 s10-00r20 s10-00r22 s11-00r24 s11r22-5 s11r24-5 s11-00r20 s11-00r22 s12r22-5 s12r24-5 s275-70r22-5 s275-80r22-5 s275-80r24-5 s285-75r24-5 s295-75r22-5 s12-00r20 s12-00r24 s13r22-5 s315-80r22-5
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DR 5.3 Retread Tire

Durable All-Around Closed-Shoulder Performer for the Drive Wheel Position

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bd 30 drive-dr s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s10r22-5 s245-75r22-5 s255-80r22-5 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s235-80r22-5 s245-70r19-5 s255-70r22-5 s295-80r22-5 s10-00r20 s10-00r22 s11-00r24 s11r22-5 s11r24-5 s11-00r20 s11-00r22 s12r22-5 s12r24-5 s275-70r22-5 s275-80r22-5 s275-80r24-5 s285-75r24-5 s295-75r22-5 s12-00r20 s12-00r24 s13r22-5
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BRM™ Retread Tire

Specially engineered rib design for refuse and construction applications

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bd 30 all-position-all s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s260 s270 s280 s190 s200 s210 s220 s230 s240 s250 s260 s270 s280 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s10r22-5 s255-80r22-5 s245-75r22-5 s255-70r22-5 s245-70r19-5 s265-70r19-5 s235-80r22-5 s295-80r22-5 s11r24-5 s10-00r20 s315-80r22-5 s12r22-5 s11r22-5 s285-75r24-5 s10-00r22 s11-00r20 s11-00r24 s275-80r24-5 s12r24-5 s275-70r22-5 s11-00r22 s295-75r22-5 s275-80r22-5 s285-70r19-5 s305-85r22-5 s12-00r24 s13r22-5 s305-75r24-5 s12-00r20 s13-00r20 s305-70r19-5 s13-80r20 s14-80r20 s305-70r22-5 s14-00r20
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BDLT Retread Tire

Open shoulders for exceptional snow and mud rejection along with lug sipes for extra grip on snow and ice

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bd 30 drive-dr s140 s150 s160 s170 s180 s190 s200 s210 s140 s150 s160 s170 s180 s190 s200 s210 s6-50r16 s195-75r16 s195-75r14 s8-5r17-5 s7-00r15 s9r17-5 s8-25r15 s8-00r16-5 s9r22-5 s215-75r17-5 s10-00r15 s195-65r16 s7-00r12 s225-75r16 s9-00r15 s8-25r20 s215-75r15 s11r17-5 s215-85r16 s8-75r16-5 s235-65r16 s10r17-5 s235-75r15 s225-70r19-5 s9-50r16-5 s245-75r17 s255-80r22-5 s245-75r16 s265-75r22-5 s9-00r20 s235-85r16 s10r22-5 s245-75r22-5 s265-75r16 s265-70r17 s235-75r17-5 s235-80r22-5 s265-70r19-5 s235-55r17 s225-55r17 s245-70r19-5 s255-70r22-5
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ECL-SST Retread Tire

An on/off highway trailer tread engineered to deliver long wear life on multiple surfaces

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bd 30 trailer-tr s155 s180 s205 s220 s230 s245 s270 s155 s180 s205 s220 s230 s245 s270